• GEZ...ET-2RS
  • GEZ...ET-2RS

Zhoutai maintenance free spherical plain bearings provide reliable, grease-free operation through the use of highly-engineered PTFE liner systems that reduce friction between the surfaces of the inner and outer rings. These proprietary liner systems are developed for rigorous industrial applications, and have proven successful time and time again. Coupled with the most advanced sealing system on the market, the Zhoutai solution provides the maximum durability you need in the most demanding applications.



selectInquiryBearing numberOverall dimension(mm)Rated load(kN)Weight
dDBCdkrs minr1s minlive loadStatic loadkg
GEZ19ET-2RS 0.75 1.25 0.656 0.562 1.081 0.012 0.024 6 50 117 0.053
GEZ22ET-2RS 0.875 1.4375 0.756 0.656 1.258 0.012 0.024 6 69 160 0.085
GEZ25ET-2RS 1 1.625 0.875 0.75 1.437 0.012 0.024 6 104 250 0.121
GEZ31ET-2RS 1.25 2 1.093 0.937 1.788 0.024 0.024 6 160 390 0.23
GEZ34ET-2RS 1.375 2.1875 1.187 1.031 1.926 0.024 0.04 5 190 460 0.35
GEZ38ET-2RS 1.5 2.4375 1.312 1.125 2.154 0.024 0.04 6 235 560 0.42
GEZ44ET-2RS 1.75 2.8125 1.531 1.312 2.511 0.024 0.04 6 320 765 0.64
GEZ50ET-2RS 2 3.1875 1.75 1.5 2.869 0.024 0.04 6 415 1000 0.93
GEZ57ET-2RS 2.25 3.5625 1.969 1.687 3.223 0.024 0.04 6 525 1260 1.3
GEZ63ET-2RS 2.5 3.9375 2.187 1.875 3.616 0.04 0.04 6 655 1570 1.85
GEZ69ET-2RS 2.75 4.375 2.406 2.062 3.937 0.04 0.04 6 785 1880 2.4
GEZ76ET-2RS 3 4.75 2.625 2.25 4.303 0.04 0.04 6 935 2250 3.1
GEZ82ET-2RS 3.25 5.125 2.844 2.437 4.685 0.04 0.04 6 1100 2650 3.8
GEZ88ET-2RS 3.5 5.5 3.062 2.625 5.04 0.04 0.04 6 1280 3070 4.8
GEZ95ET-2RS 3.75 5.875 3.281 2.812 5.393 0.04 0.04 6 1460 3520 5.8
GEZ101ET-2RS 4 6.25 3.5 3 5.748 0.04 0.04 6 1660 4000 7
GEZ107ET-2RS 4.25 6.625 3.719 3.187 6.102 0.04 0.04 6 1880 4510 8.4
GEZ114ET-2RS 4.5 7 3.937 3375 6.476 0.04 0.04 6 2110 5070 9.8
GEZ120ET-2RS 4.75 7.375 4.156 3.562 6.83 0.04 0.04 6 2350 5650 11.5
GEZ127ET-2RS 5 7.75 4.375 3.75 7.204 0.04 0.04 6 2610 6270 13.5
GEZ152ET-2RS 6 8.75 4.75 4.125 8.15 0.04 0.04 5 3250 7800 17.5
GEZ19ET-2RS 19.05 31.75 16.662 14.275 27.5 0.3 0.6 6 50 117 0.053
GEZ22ET-2RS 22.225 36.513 19.431 16.662 32 0.3 0.6 6 69 160 0.085
GEZ25ET-2RS 25.4 41.275 22.225 19.05 36.5 0.3 0.6 6 104 250 0.121
GEZ31ET-2RS 31.75 50.8 27.762 23.8 45.5 0.6 0.6 6 160 390 0.23
GEZ34ET-2RS 34.925 55.563 30.15 26.187 49 0.6 1 5 190 460 0.35
GEZ38ET-2RS 38.1 61.913 33.325 28.575 54.7 0.6 1 6 235 560 0.42
GEZ44ET-2RS 44.45 71.438 38.887 33.325 63.9 0.6 1 6 320 765 0.64
GEZ50ET-2RS 50.8 80.963 44.45 38.1 73 0.6 1 6 415 1000 0.93
GEZ57ET-2RS 57.15 90.488 50.013 42.85 82 0.6 1 6 525 1260 1.3